søndag den 3. april 2016

For første gang i år... / For the first time this year....

Forleden var vi på besøg hos Gaya (i ved, hundehvalpen) og Kalle. Far skulle have ordnet noget med bilen ude ved #Søster1's mand. I mens blev vi lukket ind i haven så vi kunne lege med Gaya og Kalle. Mor gik også med, og satte sig på terrassen og nød solen.

The other day we visited Gaya (you know, the puppy) and Kalle. Dad should have something done with the car by # Sis 1's husband. While they looked at the car, we were let into the garden so we could play with Gaya and Kalle. Mom also joined us, and sat on the patio and enjoyed the sun.

Til at begynde med løb vi rundt i haven ved siden af søen.
To begin with, we ran in the garden beside the lake.
Da vi så mor på terrassen, skyndte vi os op til hende. Så stod vi og kiggede på hende og ville slet ikke lege.
Then we saw mom at the patio and hurried up to her. Here we just watched her and wouldn't even play.
Da jeg også kom hen til hende, så hun det!!! Jeg havde været i søen og var drivvåd. Det var første gang jeg var i vandet i år. Mor var ikke begejstret for at få en våd hund ind i bilen, sagde hun, meeen jeg tror bare at hun var misundelig. Jeg ved at hun også kan lide at bade.

When I came to join her, she saw it !!! I had been swimming in the lake and was soaking wet. It was the first time I swam this year. Mom was not thrilled to get a wet dog in the car, she said, buutt, I just think she was envious. I know she  like to swim too.
Vaks: Har du lyst til at bade i søen Gaya?
Gaya: Nej tak, jeg drak lidt af vandet lige før, og jeg siger dig at det var koldt!!!

Vaks: Do you like to swim in the lake Gaya?

Gaya: No thanks, I drank some of the water just before Laika took a swim, and I tell you the water was cold!!!
Mor var nu slet ikke mopset da vi kom hjem. Hun gnubbede mig tør med mit store håndklæde. Det var dejligt.

Mom was not uptight when we got home. She rubbed me with my big towel. It was nice.

8 kommentarer:

  1. I'm sure mom is just fine with you having yourself a swim. Swimming is a good thing. She was nice to towel you dry though. That was very nice.

    Have a woof woof day. My best to your wonderful mom. ♥♥♥

  2. A private lake! Fantastic. We know there'll be plenty more swims this year. Your mum will just have to start packin' towels. SHE says we always hang around HER when we should be running around, too.

  3. Sounds like a beautiful place to visit. I bet it was nice to have your mom dry you off after your swim.

  4. Crikey Laika ...... your first swim for the season, aye?? How good is that? Maybe next time Vaks will join you. I LOVE it when Mum towels me dry. It feels good, aye??

  5. Your first swim, Laika?!? That sounds wonderful. I always enjoy the towel rubs after being wet. So fun and enjoyable. I am glad you all had a wonderful day!

  6. There are times when you just have to dive in and start paddling! It sounds like a lovely day.

  7. Ohhhhh congrats for the first swim of the season! I Pinot love swimming.. I wanted to join you!!

    Momo & Pinot

  8. Congrats to the first swim of the season!
    I think the water is always too wet!!! :-)


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