lørdag den 25. november 2017

Roomba, dans eller... / Roomba, dance or.....

Da min mor sagde roomba, troede jeg helt sikkert at det var en dans. Jeg kunne lige forestille mig hende danse med far, hvis altså ikke han stadig havde det dårlige knæ. Måske kunne jeg også være med tænkte jeg.

When my mom said roomba, I thought surely it was a dance. I could imagine her dancing with Dad, if he didn't still had a bad knee. Perhaps I could join them, I thought.

Men det var denne her der var roomba. En robotstøvsuger. Den kan man da ikke danse med!
But this was roomba. A robot vacuum cleaner. You can't dance with this!
Mor købte den og blev vildt begejstret, da hun så hvor effektiv den er. Hun kan ikke forstå at jeg ikke er skaldet, for jeg fælder helt vildt, og hun er så træt af hundehår.
Nu kan hun sidde og skrive blog samtidig med at huset bliver støvsuget.

Mom bought it, and she was thrilled, when she saw how effective it is. She can't understand that I'm not bald, because I'm shedding all over the house, and she is tired of all the shed.
Now she can sit and write my blog while the house is vacuumed.

Det er altså ikke min pels, det der. Det må være Dudis. Det må det være.
That's not my fur. It has to be Dudis. It must be.

Måske kan Dudi få en tur så hun kan køre ligesom katten.

Maybe Dudi can get a ride like the cat.

Kan I forestille jer det? Jeg kan.
Can you imagine this. I can.

16 kommentarer:

  1. We think Dudi would have to be very brave. We think you are brave. We RUN when any cleaning device comes out. We might have to move if we had one of those all-the-time vacuums!

    1. My friend Benn also is very scared of the vacuu-monster and now his mom bought a roomba too. It vacuums when his mom is at work and now Benn is not afraid anymore because his mom isn't there to see it he he.

  2. You're so cute Dudi. You're fitting is so very well.

    Have a woof woof day. My best to your mom. ♥

  3. I am not as brave as you,, that is for sure!

    1. I'm brave because I'm not scared of the vacuu-monter at all.

  4. We'd love to try it on!!

    We're so so behind and just learnt your loss. We're very sorry.

    Momo, Pinot & mom

    1. Thank you. Mom and dad are very sad every time they think about Vaks but they are glad he had 3 good years by us. And little Dudi and I cheer them up.

  5. Oh that looks fun for humans and dogs and cats! We would love to try that out!

    1. I think it is fun to ride the Roomba.

  6. We are so happy to see you again!

    I think if we had one of those roomba things, I would run around and bark at it the whole time. There would be no peace and quiet in my house!

    1. We are happy to be back. I think you'll only bark in the beginning. Soon you will see the Roomba don't care at all, and then it's no fun to bark.

  7. I would love a Roomba! I'm sure that Pierre would go crazy barking at it.

    1. Mom loves the Roomba especially when somebody calls at say they will visit mom and dad to have some coffie. Then all the shed are vacuumed in a hurry.

  8. I would be so scared of that Roomba thing and my new baby brother Max would for sure attack it, it looks fun though, you are incredibly brave Laika.
    Love and licks from your furiends Frank and Max XxxxxxX

    1. I'm not scared at all, just curious.


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