I dag har jeg været i haven, ligesom jeg plejer. Jeg har selvfølgelig kigget efter kattene, men de løber altså ind i stalden når jeg nærmer mig.
Min mor tænkte at hun kunne hjælpe mig lidt.
Her sidder jeg og venter pænt på at komme indenfor. Jeg har taget den nyvaskede pive-diller med ud. |
Pludselig kan jeg fornemme at jeg har fået selskab... |
Jeg ved at jeg ikke må gøre som jeg gør i drømmen, men tanker er toldfri... |
Ups... det er vist ikke min drøm. |
Tror bare at jeg tager min pive-diller og går indenfor. |
Nu da jeg har været sååå artig, må jeg så få en "bobser"???
Og fordi det er sepia lørdag, skal vi da også have sådan et billede.
Vuff ..... og på gensyn til næste gang.
Laika, you look wonderful in all your photos!
SvarSletThank you Oz, so do you :-)
SvarSletDon't you just look lovely in sepia! Great pics, all of them!
SvarSlet((Husky hugz))
We are #14 in the hop!
Thank you, my mom like that picture too. I have seen your blog about Huskies today. I loved it.
SletSuch a sweetheart! I hope you got a bowl full of food for simply being awesome!
SvarSletOoh there was bread with chopped liver in the bowl. Yummie.
SletLaika- I dream of cats too. In my dreams, I chase and they run....wheeee!
SvarSletHappy New Year and Sweet Dreams,
Hi Wyatt. Have you ever caught the cat. I had once, but my dad and mom yelled (hysterical) at me. So I dropped it again, and the cat ran away as fast as it could.
SletYou look so innocent there in the corner! Hopefully you played good and was fed dinner. Thanks for linking up to my bloghop Sepia Saturday! I'm still going around making my visits to all the linkups!
SvarSletOh you can believe that I have an innocent look. I'm so innocent, because my mom and dad will never ever let me get to our neighbours small dogs or our wild cats in the barn. lol.