We have been on vacation to Sweden. Yay. It is a week ago since we got home. Mom says that it was our winter vacation. And were we with them??? Yes of course we were. I can tell you, it was the best vacationt you could imagine. I have never seen or smelled so many rabbits in my hole life. Vaks and I was totally euphoric. Benn and his mom and dad, Jonas and Nicolaj were with us and Benn turned into a real hound.
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Vi boede i sådan et lækkert hus. (Dette billede er et sommerbillede). We lived in a nice house. (Only this is a summerpicture). |
Vi gik lange ture. We went for long walks. |
Der var også en voksenlegeplads. Den var sjov. There was an adult playground. We had a lot of fun there. |
Lige ved siden af legeplads.Right next to the playground there was a beach. |
Den dag vi kom hjem, skulle mor og far til en stor galla fest. The day we came home, mom and dad went to a big gala event. |
We couldn't come with them, but it didn't matter, because boy, we were tired. We slept through the whole night and the next day too.