lørdag den 27. februar 2016

Vinterferie / Winter vacation

Vi har været på ferie i Sverige. Yay. Vi kom hjem for en 1 uge siden. Mor siger at det var vores vinterferie. Og var vi med??? Ja selvfølgelig var vi det. Jeg siger jer, det var en ferie der ville noget. Jeg har aldrig oplevet så mange kaniner som der hvor vi var. Vaks og jeg var helt euforiske. Benn var også med og han forvandlede sig til en rigtig jagthund.

We have been on vacation to Sweden. Yay. It is a week ago since we got home. Mom says that it was our winter vacation. And were we with them??? Yes of course we were. I can tell you, it was the best vacationt you could imagine. I have never seen or smelled so many rabbits in my hole life. Vaks and I was totally euphoric. Benn and his mom and dad, Jonas and Nicolaj were with us and Benn turned into a  real hound.
Vi boede i sådan et lækkert hus. (Dette billede er et sommerbillede).
We lived in a nice house. (Only this is a summerpicture).
Vi gik lange ture.
We went for long walks.

Der var også en voksenlegeplads. Den var sjov.
There was an adult playground. We had a lot of fun there.
Lige ved siden af legeplads.Right next to the playground there was a beach.

På stranden lå denne lækre fisk, men måtte vi snuse rulle os i den.....nej!!! For dårligt. Mennesker ved ikke hvad der er godt.
On the beach this delicious fish lay, but could we take a good sniff and roll in it....nooo!!! To bad. Peeps don't know what is good.
Den dag vi kom hjem, skulle mor og far til en stor galla fest.
The day we came home, mom and dad went to a big gala event.
Vi skulle ikke med, men det gjorde os ikke noget, for mand, hvor var vi trætte. Vi sov hele aftenen og den næste dag med.

We couldn't come with them, but it didn't matter, because boy, we were tired. We slept through the whole night and the next day too.

13 kommentarer:

  1. At least you got to go too. That's a good thing. Sounds like you had more fun than your mom and dad. That's an even better thing. Don't tell them I said so though.

    Have a woof woof day. My best to your wonderful mom and dad. ♥♥♥

  2. What a wonderful time! Ghostwriter has been just working and working. No vacation for a long time yet!

    1. Even she is working hard, you have to take her outside to get some fresh air. Go tell her that :)

  3. That's a fantastic spot and you got to go with them. We're so jealous! It just had everything. Roxy would have rolled in that fish in a flash..

    1. We wanted to roll too, but mom said NO tsh :-/

  4. Yay its so much fun going on vacation with you mum and dad,I love it too,xx Speedy

    1. We love to go on vacation too :)

  5. That sounds as if it were a wonderful vacation. Your parents look very nice in the formal attire. ♥

  6. I think you had a very wonderful vacation!!

    1. It was a wonderful spot, and we would want to go there at summertime too, but in the summertime there lots and lots of people and dogs are not allowed to go on the beach. We don't know why, so mom says it is our winter vacation place only :)

  7. I enjoyed your vacation story,, it looked wonderfully fun to me. In fact I would love to go there!
    I think your countrys are so beautiful. Its good to come home too,,, isn't it?
    Thank you for translating the page for us,,, that is so cool.


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