torsdag den 4. februar 2016

For travl... / To busy....

Mor mente, at hun havde for travlt til at blogge i sidste uge. Hmm...  bare fordi hun lige skulle male og ordne det sidste omkring det nye værelse, holde fødselsdag og køre far frem og tilbage fra genoptræning. Som jeg tænker, hvad tænker hun dog på???

Det har  havde sneet (sneen er smeltet igen) og vi har været ude at lege i sneen. Det var heldigt at vi nåede at lege i sneen inden den smeltede når vi tager mors travlhed i betragtning.

Mom thought she was too busy to blog last week. Hmm...  just because she just had to paint and fix the new room, celebrate her birthday and run daddy back and forth from rehabilitation. As I think, what is she thinking???

It have  had snowed (the snow has melted again) and we have been out playing in the snow. We were lucky, we managed to play in the snow before it melted considering  mom's  bustle.

Vi kan lugte noget.
I think we can smell something.
Der er spor i sneen!!!
There are tracks in the snow!!!
Jeg tror at der er noget her Laika. Skynd dig at komme!
I think there is something here. Hurry up Laika!

Jeg kommer...
Hvor er den???
Where is it???
Her... tror jeg.
Here... I think.
Halloooo er der nogen???
Helloooo, is anybody there???
Der er i hvert fald nogen der!!!
At least there are somebody there!!!
Øv, vi må ikke løbe efter dem. Mor kalder, Laika skynd dig at komme. Vi skal hjem.
Aw, we must not run after them. Mom's calling, Laika hurry up. We have to go home.
Måske vi kan finde noget en anden gang. Det bliver nødt til at være når mor ikke er der!!!

Maybe we will find someone another time. It has to be when mom isn't there!!!

9 kommentarer:

  1. Don't you love how the snow makes everything look so clean and beautiful. Happy belated birthday to your mom.

    Aroo to you,

  2. That looked like a lot of fun! We have no snow right now. And Happy birthday Mom!

  3. That looked like a lot of fun! We have no snow right now. And Happy birthday Mom!

  4. That looks like so much fun! We love running in big spaces, but we've never had any snow.

  5. You two are adorable and just great hunters too. Yes you are.

    Have a woof woof day. My best to your wonderful mom. ♥♥♥

  6. Crikey .... you're Mom sure was busy, aye? Shame she had enough time to check on you two. You were having a great time and you found something to chase. Doesn't get better than that. Hope your Mom had a great birthday and got plenty of icecream.

  7. The snow looks so cold and crunchy!!! And fun to run on!! zooom and hop!

  8. That is some fancy tracking! Tell your Mom happy belated birthday! ♥ ♥

  9. Wow, Laika and Vaks, we love the action shots! This is quite an adventure!!


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