lørdag den 14. januar 2017

Svigt eller flirt / Let down or flirt

Min far er skyldig. Ja vi kunne lugte det på hans bukser og bluse. Han har været på besøg hos Onkel Bo og Bamse (I kan se ham her: Afsted på ferie ). Onkel Bo har også en lille bitte hund, Cash, men han er ikke med på camping, for han gør meget mere end Vaks, så det er rigtigt meget.

My dad is guilty. Yes, we could smell it on his pants and shirt. He has been visiting Uncle Bo and Bamse (You can see him here: Off for vacation ). Uncle Bo also has tiny dog Cash, but he is not with him at the camp, because he barks a lot, much more than Vaks, so it's really a lot.

Bamse er vild med min far.
Bamse loves my dad.

Cash vil også have noget kæl.
Cash want to cuddle too.
Ja, Ok så længe der bare kæles på denne måde, så kan det gå an.
Well, as long they cuddle like this, it's okay

HVAD... kysser de???
WHAT... do they kiss???
Hmmm.... der er vist noget du skal rette op på far!!!

Hmmm .... there's something you need to correct dad !!

Ok, du er tilgivet.
Okay, you're forgiven.

12 kommentarer:

  1. Awww, so adorable. Dad loves you two the very best so not to worry.

    Have a woof woof day you two. My very best to your peeps. ♥♥♥

    1. We are sure he loves us the most, buuut anyway he ought to stay away from Bamse and Cash :D

  2. All is forgiven when yum yum doggie treats are forthcoming!

  3. Glad he made it up to you in the end. SHEESH! Can't believe he was cuddling OTHER dogs.

  4. Dad seems to be a dog magnet. You might need to stand guard by him to prevent more snuggles and kisses!

    1. He is, and unfortunately he loves all dogs, but he loves us most.... we hope :D

  5. Food fixes everything! I'm sure your dad is VERY sorry he snuggled another dog!
    Wyatt and Tegan

  6. Aww! Adorable pictures, thank you for sharing :) Henry


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