torsdag den 25. januar 2018

Mere sommerferie / More summer holidays

I må da lige have afslutningen på vores sommerferie.

Inden i det lille hus var der rigtigt hyggeligt. Mor havde lagt et elastiklagen over sofaen, fordi nogle gange om natten sniger jeg mig op i sofaen, og så kunne lagenet beskytte for hundehår.

Dudi vidste ikke rigtig at vi ikke måtte gå op i sofaen, så hun vandrede rundt på den ligeså snart hun kunne komme til det. Ja jeg siger vandrede rundt på den, for det var jo ikke som mig, der bare listede mig til at ligge i den. Næh, hun gjorde som hun havde lyst til. Se selv her:

I just have to tell you about the end of our vacation.

Inside the cottage it was really cozy. Mom had put a blanket with elastic in the edge, over the couch because sometimes I sneaked up and lay in the couch and then blanket could protect couch from all the shedding.

Dudi didn't know she wasn't allowed in the couch, so she wandered around upon it. Yes I say wandered because she didn't do like me who sneaked to lay down. Oh no, she walked all over the couch. Just look:

Dudi kom selvfølgelig i løbetid midt i vores sommerferie.Dudi of course had her period when we were at vacation.

Ja, Dudi går hvor det passer hende.
Yes Dudi walks all over the couch.
Der var også en seng hvor vi gerne måtte være. Der var et vindue vi kunne kigge ud af. Og det var hyggeligt, for så kunne vi se alle hundene der gik forbi, selv om vi gøede noget af dem.

There also was a bed where we would like to be. By the bed was a window so we could look out. And it was nice, because then we could see all the dogs passing by, even though we barked a lot at them.

Nogen gange sad jeg der alene.
Sometimes I sat by myself.

Nogen gange stod vi der begge to.
Sometimes we both stood there.
Det var den hyggeligste ferie.

It was the best holiday.

7 kommentarer:

  1. Best holidays are the most fun ever. Glad yours turned out that way.

    Have a woof woof day. My best to your mom. ♥

  2. Barking at strange dogs is always fun. Looks like you had a fantastic holiday.

  3. It's always so nice to see you. We're glad you had a good vacation time.

  4. That sounds like a grand vacation! We love looking out the windows and barking at humans and animals.

  5. I've a new website: Comedy Plus

    Have a great day. ♥

  6. Looks like you had a pawsome time! Dudi, we have something in common. I Pinot can walk on top of the couch cushion. :)

    Momo & Pinot xo

  7. Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos with us. This is a wonderful vacation for you both. You must love looking out the windows and seeing the other doggies go by. Have a great upcoming weekend.
    World of Animals


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