Ja det er altså ikke kun mig der arbejder
Derfor har vi lige nu en tømrer der arbejder og løber ind og ud ad huset. Jeg siger jer, at det er anstrengende at løbe med hele tiden og holde øje med hvad han laver. Derfor har jeg også uddelegeret lidt af arbejdet til Vaks.
Wow, we are working in our house.
Well now, it is not me alone who is working
That is why, we right now have a carpenter working and running in and out of our house. I tell you, it is tiring running around all the time to watch what he is up to. Therefore, I have delegated some of the work to Vaks.
Sådan så der ud med stolperne og en ekstra feriehund. This is how it looked like with the pillars and an extra vacation dog. |
De første lægter er sat op så der kan laves vægge, og Vaks holder øje. The first wooden laths has been set up so there can be created walls and Vaks is watching. |
De første vægge er lavet. The first two walls has been made. |
Flere vægge og åbningen hvor der skal være skydedøre. More walls and the opening where there shall be sliding doors. |
Isolering er kommet ind i væggene så de bliver mere lydtætte. Insulation is put into the walls to make them more soundproof. |
Væggene er færdige. The walls are finished. |
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Tømreren er færdig for i dag og det er vi også....zzzzzz. The carpenter is finished for today and so are we ....zzzzzz. |
I morgen kommer tømreren igen og sætter lister og skydedøre op. Pyh ha der er hårdt arbejde i vente for os.
Tomorrow the carpenter comes back and put moldings and sliding doors up. Phew there is hard work ahead for us.
OMD OMD that is a SUPER NEW ROOM that you have created. Lots of HARD Work and SNOOPERVISION required..No Wonder you needed a NAP.
SvarSletYes it was indeed hard work :)
SletSupervising construction work is exhausting! But...at least you are getting a cool new room for the computers and stuff.
SvarSletYes that's what mom say too :)
SletWow, having strangers in our house is always hard work! Moving walls around is a little scary. Good thing you are there to supervise. I bet it will be great when it's all done.
SvarSletGrr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commish
We think it will be great too. Mom told us that the couch will be moving into the room too when it's done. Then we can lie down and watch the computer :)
SletWow, that looks like it is going to really nice. I bet you all be happy when it is finished and can enjoy the new office.
SvarSletYes and our couch will be moving into the room just for us (and dad's nap) :)
SletIt will be so nice to have an office. We made an office out of one of our bedrooms and it worked out wonderfully.
SvarSletI'm so sorry that you're not getting the naps you need though. They will be done soon and things will return to normal.
Have a woof woof day. My best to your peeps. ☺
And we can't wait, even though the carpenter is good with hugs he is after all a catperson yikes.
SletThat's a lot of work! We know because Dad made three rooms out of the family room downstairs. We doggies would have been barking like crazy if workmen were going in and out of our house. You are good doggies!
SvarSletBelieve me, Vaks barked as crazy too :)
SletLiaka thank you for stopping by today....oh do I feel your tiredness we just finished have new windows installed in my house... there were strange men all over the place and this kitty was not happy.
SvarSletThe box on today's post was a Christmas present for my human sisy's hubby. A great big tackle and lure back sack for fishing.
Hugs madi your bfff
Well done on all your hard work :-)
SvarSletThank you :)
SletSnoopervision is always hard. You have to make sure the carpenter does everything right! Sleep well, tomorrow is going to be just as exhausting!
SvarSletYou were soooo right about that :)
SletHow exciting! We turned our formal dining room into our office last year and absolutely love it! Congratulations and Happy 2016! ♥
SvarSletI'm sure mom and dad will be happy about the office. And Happy 2016 to you all :)
SletAn office? So much fun!!
SvarSletღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!
When it's finished I'm sure it will be fun :)
SletWe have lived in a house under construction, that is not much fun!
SvarSletThe only fun was, that we went outside every time the carpenter went outside :-)