søndag den 7. august 2016

Benn og fuglene / Benn and the birds

I mens at Benn og fuglene var på ferie hos os, syntes far at vi fortjente lidt lækkert. Benn's mor og far var jo på ferie i Italien og jeg er sikker på at de fik lækker, lækker mad. Mor og far syntes jo ikke at Benn skule snydes.

Meanwhile Benn and the birds were on vacation at our house, dad thought we deserved some delicious food. Benn's mom and dad were on vacation in Italy and I'm pretty sure they got some , delicious food. Mom and dad thought Benn should have some yummy food too.

Benn og jeg holder øje med far. Måske taber han noget lækkert mad.
Benn and I are watching dad. Maybe he'll drop something delicious food.
Far lavede en dejlig bøf til os. (Og selvfølgelig også til mor og ham).
Dad made a delicious steak for us. (And of course to mom and himself).
Vi fik også majs til bøffen. Jeg ved nu ikke rigtig hvad jeg synes om majs.
We also got corn with the steak. I really don't know how to think about corn.

Æder han det virkelig???
Does he really eat that corn???
Det gjorde Benn. Han elskede majsen. Først åd han sin egen.
Benn did. He loved the corn.  First he ate his own.
Så spiste han min.
Then he ate mine.

Og spiste.
And ate.

Og til sidst spiste han alle smulerne.
And finally he ate all the crumbs.
Senere fik vi kage.
Later we got some cake.
Så så Benn, nu skal du ikke ta' det hele!!!
Now, now Benn, don't take it all!!!
Der var skam også lækre ting til fuglene. De fik mælkebøtte blade og det var noget de kunne lide.
There was alså delicious things for the birds. They got dandelion leaves and that was something they liked.

Nu er Benn og fuglene taget hjem til sig selv igen, så nu er det vores tur til at komme på ferie med mor og far.

Now Benn and the birds are gone home, and now it's our turn to come on vacation with mom and dad.

18 kommentarer:

  1. That's one good thing about having guests, you get great food!

  2. How fun. It's good to have guests to eat with. Lots of good food you had.

    Enjoy your vacation. :)

  3. I don't think I'd like corn either. Where are y'all going on vacation? Wherever it is be safe.

    Aroo to you,

    1. Nope no corn for me. But Benn and Vaks loved them. We were going to a place en Denmark called Lolland. It is an island, but it's connected to Zealand by bridge.

  4. That steak looks very delicious! Yummy! Say hi to Benn for us. Ghostwriter used to have birdies like that while she was growing up. She used to give them greens to eat too.

    1. We should say hi from Benn too. The birds are cute.

  5. Oh my gosh, what a feast! Save me a little steak!

    1. I'm afraid we ate it all, slurp :)

  6. Every buddy needs some delicious treats
    Lily & Edward

  7. I linked this post to Awww Mondays.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  8. Wow! We want to come stay at your house the next time our humans leave!

  9. I think it would be fun to eat some corn!

    1. It is Vaks say, even not so fun as when Donald Duck eats them BOL.


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