I morges da min mor kom ud i vores havestue, havde hun noget i hænderne. Jeg lå og blundede og slappede af efter endnu en hård nat, men jeg kunne se at hun ville fortælle mig noget.
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Hvad har du der mor???? Mor: Vi har fået denne, virkelig ærefulde Pris af.....happinessissiamese . Prøv at tjekke hendes blog som handler om den smukke siameserkat Mikko og hendes eventyr. Laika: Hmmm!!! En Pris fra en kat. Måske katte alligevel ikke skal jages rundt??? |
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Tusind tak happinessissiamese |
Nu er det jo sådan at når man modtager sådan en special Pris er der nogle regler. Reglerne har vi lånt fra happinessissiamese .
Her kommer de:
- Tak personen der gav dig prisen.
- Fortæl 10 ting om dig selv!
- Send prisen, Sunshine Award videre til 10 andre bloggere.
10 ting om mig selv? Hmm lad mig se....her kommer de:
- Jeg hader katte (shh). Min mor siger at jeg ikke må skrive det, fordi min Pris kommer fra en kat.
- Jeg hader naboens små hunde.
- Jeg elsker min fars hovedpude.
- Jeg kan ikke rigtig skrive på en pc (shh igen).
- Jeg kan heller ikke stave (mere shh, min mor hjælper mig).
- Jeg har et super job med at hente avisen til mine mennesker.
- Jeg er ved at udvide mit arbejdsområde til også at hente breve fra postkassen (og nogle gange penge fra min far til min mor eller omvendt).
- Jeg elsker at campere.
- Jeg elsker at bade i en sø eller havet.
- Jeg elsker at sende Priser videre og glæde andre bloggere.
De nominerede er........
HundenStina som er den sødeste og sjoveste blog med nogle skønne fotos af hunden Stina. Husk at kigge forbi den. Det kan varmt anbefales.
Mollythewally Bloggen skrives af en genial og potevindende forfatter, som også har sit personale til at hjælpe med de sjove historier. Den blog er værd at læse.
Pixelblueeyes om en lille hun miniature Schnauzer som kan 20 usædvanlige tricks og kommandoer. Den skønne blog med dejlige fotos af Pixel.
Cinnamon:Our spicy Cocker Spaniel Bloggen om den smukkeste Cocker Spaniel med de dejlige billeder.
Bermudabluez om de to små nuttede hunde Chloe og Ladybug.
Carmapoodale om den smukke servicehund Carma Poodale med det flotte hår.
Misterminoune bloggen om den smukkeste lækre kat (ups kom det virkelig ud af min mund) Mister Minoune. Fantastiske fotos på bloggen.
Thepiggies en dejlig blog om en masse søde marsvin.
Theadventuresofthetank bloggen om den skønne hund Frank.
Kelly's Dog Blog og sidst men ikke mindst, denne blog som handler om en Schæferhund som mig selv.
Jeg vil anbefale jer at besøge alle disse skønne blogge.
Der er mange flere skønne blogge som jeg følger (Bare tjek min blog liste hvis du er på jagt) der fortjener en Pris, men da jeg ikke iflg. reglerne må sende til flere end 10, får i dette billede som en trøst:
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Jeg vil gerne sende en solsikke til jeg alle sammen.
Og så er der lige lidt billeder fra min store dag:
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Jeg tager lige min pris og bærer den hen til Benn som ligger i havestuen.. |
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Se her Benn, nu kan du se min fine Pris. |
In English.
This morning when my mom came out of our sun room, she had something in his hands. I lay dozing and relaxed after another rough night, but I could see that she wanted to tell me something.
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Laika: What do you got???? Mom: We've got this really honorable Award of happinessissiamese. Try to check out her blog, which is all about the beautiful Siamese cat Mikko and her adventures. Laika: Hum... an Aword of a cat. Maybe I shouldn't hunt cats anymore!! Thank You happinessissiamese.
Now the fact is, that when you receive such a special Award there are some rules. The rules we have borrowed from happinessissiamese.
Here they are:
10 things about, hum... let's see...here it comes:
The nominated are: Hundenstina which is the cutest and funniest blog with some wonderful photos of the dog Stina. Be sure to visit it. It is highly recommended. Mollythewally The blog is written by a brilliant and paw-winning author, who also has her staff to help with the funny stories. The blog is worth reading. Pixelblueeyes a small female miniature Schnauzer which can 20 unusual tricks and commands. The lovely blog with lovely photos of Pixel. Cinnamon: Our spicy Cocker Spaniel The blog about the beautiful Cocker Spaniel with the lovely pictures. Bermudabluez about the two adorable little dogs Chloe and Ladybug. Carmapoodale about the beautiful service dog Carma Poodale with the great hair. Misterminoune the blog about the most beautiful attractive cat (oops did this really come out of my mouth) Mister Minoune. Great photos on the blog. Livingthesquaeklife a great blog about a lot of cute guinea pigs. Theadventuresofthetank the blog about the lovely dog Frank. Kelly's Dog Blog and at last but not least this blog which is about a German Shepherd as myself. I would recommend you to visit all these wonderful blogs. There are many more wonderful blogs that I follow (check out my blogroll if you are hunting) which deserves an Award, but when I according to the rules, only can nominate 10 blogs, you get this picture as a consolation:
I would like to send a sunflower to all of you.
And here are som pictures from my big day:
I'll take my award and carries it to Benn who is lying in the sunroom.
Look Benn, look at my Award.
Now mom you can put the Award picture on your blog. |
Congratulations on your award,its nice to learn new things about our blogging chums,xx Speedy
SvarSletThank u Speedy. Yes it's always funny to read a little new about each other.
SletCongratulations and well done. OMD Laika thank you so much for nominating us.
SvarSletWe are chuffed and have put it in tomorrows post and onto our awards page.Thanks for always making us smile. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly
Your're so welcome Molly.
SletCongratulations on your award. It's always a special treat to get one.
SvarSletThank you. Yes it's definately a special treat.
SletAw, your welcome Laika! Your blog is very well deserving!
SvarSletHave a pawsome day! Enjoy your award!
❀Siamese Smothers❀Happiness is Siamese!
Thank you. I'm honored.
SletOh congratulations!!! What a beautiful award!!!! We know happiness is Siamese, and we read her blog every week! It is a great blog!
SvarSletHave a great day!
ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!
Yes it's a great blog. I love reading this.
SletCongratulations on your Sunshine Award!! I also enjoy the blogs that you nominated. Give yourself an extra treat today! Bark More, Growl Less Barking from the Bayou!
SvarSletThank you. I had that extra treat yeah.
SletHej Laika!
SvarSletGrattis till ditt fina "Sunshine Award" :-)
VoffeliTack!!! ... för nomineringen av min Blogg! Vi blev jätteglada ♡ Du är bara bäst ♡
Voff och tack igen Laika, från Stina.
Selv tack och tillykke.
SletThanks so much for thinking of us! I always enjoy comparing Laika's adventures with Jedi's. Surprisingly, there are more similarities than differences.
SvarSletI do compare as well. Lovely dogs we have :-)
SletThankyou Laika for nominating Cinnamon for the Sunshine award. She is happy, happy,happy! It is still snowing in Maine so we need all the sunshine we can get. Thanks again!
SvarSletYou are welcome. Mom love to read Cinnamon's blog. Here it is cold and windy, but no snow.