søndag den 11. januar 2015

Mor-tanker / Mom-thoughts

Det er måske ikke det smarteste at gå en tur med os hunde i det orkanagtige stormvejr. I hvert fald ikke når man er en lille hund som Vaks.
Nej, nej bare rolig, det er bare mor-tanker hun har tegnet, ha ha.

It might not be the smartest idea to take a walk with us dogs in the hurricane-like storms. At least not when you are a small dog like Vaks.
No no. Don't worry, it's just mom-thoughts she has drawn ha ha.

Mor-tanker i stormen Egon.
Mom-thoughts in the storm named Egon.

10 kommentarer:

  1. Stay safe guys,xx Speedy and Rachel

  2. We hope everybody is safe and OK now, and that this is the last of your storms!

    1. We are safe and the storm is moving away.

  3. I'm sure your mom wouldn't take the chance of hurting either of you. Storm or no storm.

    Have a woof woof day you two. My very best to your funny mom. :)

  4. thank goodness you are attached to her
    Lily & Edward

    1. Yes he he, the storm will have to lift mom up too, and I don't think it is possible LOL.

  5. Crikey ....Poor Vaks ...... E was very nearly GONe, aye???

    1. He is not as big as I am and weigh not nearly as much as I, so he could blow away if we went for a walk :-)


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