Den franske ambassadør her i Danmark deltog i et møde som handlede om ytringsfrihed, hvor terroraktionen fandt sted. Han udtaler at det var som da Charlie Hebdo i Frankrig blev angrebet, og han var meget rystet. Og han havde masser af ros til vores politi.
Terroristen blev dræbt tidligt næste morgen efter terror aktionen og politiet har endvidere anholdt 2 andre for at have hjulpet terroristen og skjult ham bagefter.
There have been two terrorist attacks here in Denmark. Imagine this has happened in our little otherwise so peaceful country. We can't quite believe it. 2 people were killed and five policemen were injured, but it could have been many more, if not our police were so brave and resourceful. We think of those poor families who have been affected by this tragedy. I know there are tragedies happening all over the world and we think of the people who were affected by this, too.
The French ambassador in Denmark participated in the meeting which was about freedom of expression where the terrorist attacks took place. He said it was like, when Charlie Hebdo in France was attacked, and he was very shaken. And he had plenty of praise for our police.
The terrorist was killed early the next morning after the terrorist attacks and the police have arrested two others for helping the terrorist and to hide him afterwards.
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Danmark sørger Denmark mourns |
It is unbelievable people can't live in peace and harmony, but some of them want to decide who draws, writes or says what, just as it is unbelievable that some people do not accept other people's regligion.
We send our love and support. Truly an awful thing to happen in such a lovely peaceful country.
SvarSletHave a marvellous Monday.
Best wishes Molly
Yes indeed Molly.
SletThe world has gone mad and you've just got a taste of that madness. There is so much hatred and it's getting worse and worse.
SvarSletHave a blessed day my friend. ☺
We are so glad we have all our blogfriends who we loves.
Sletso sad. It is happening more and more
Lily & Edward
Yep it's too bad :(
SletWe've been watching it on the News. Everyone thinks he has a cause....but it is just hate. We wish we could rid the world of hate.
SvarSletYes we thinks it was hate, and he was a maniac.
SletI am so sorry for your beautiful country. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. ♥
SvarSletThank you.
SletOh no :( I am so sorry
SvarSletღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!
Yes it's so sad :/