torsdag den 12. februar 2015

Hastighedskontrol / Speed control.

Min far er blevet fotograferet. Han var iført kjole og hvidt for han havde et vigtigt ærinde i sin klub. Mor er nu ikke alt for begejstret for billedet. Kan man nu forstå det?

My dad has been photographed. He wore evening dress, white tie because he had an important errand in his club. Mom is not too thrilled about the photo. Do you understand?

Hun siger at det billede kostede 1000 kr, og så godt er det nu heller ikke.
She says the photo has a value of 1000 dkr. (aprox 110 GBP, or 187 USD, or 134 EUR, or 200 AUD, or 204 CAD) and it's not even that good.

Og hvem er det der sidder ved siden af ham? En månemand?
Hmm måske vil far fremover bruge hastighedskontrol knappen i bilen!

And who sits next to him? A little green man? 
Hmm I think, maybe dad in the future will use the speed control botton in the car!

18 kommentarer:

  1. Speedy daddy. Have a tremendous Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Ooops Daddy had Better leave the Speeding to Me...hehehe,xx Speedy

    1. Mom think you're so right about that hehe :)

  3. Dad has a lead foot? Yes, those can get you a ticket mighty fast.

    Have a fabulous and woof woof day. My best to your peeps. ☺

  4. Uh oh.....the worst kind of photo! A very expensive one!

    1. Yes it's an expensive one and not very good either :)

  5. Dad can't drive very fast around here today. The roads are too icy!

  6. So daddy is like a movie star
    Lily & Edward

  7. Crikey ..... that's expensive for such a lousy photograph, aye???

    1. Yes and mom isn't fond of it either LOL.

  8. Svar
    1. Nope, no smile not even when he came home LOL.

  9. Whoops! haha!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!


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