søndag den 8. marts 2015

Hundenes aftenbøn / The dogs bedtime prayer.

Nu vil vi lægge os ned og sove
Dobbeltsengen er dejlig og blød som en alkove
vi putter mor og far kan vi love
så de ikke kan bevæge deres ben
for vi sover på dem
så de hurtigt kan gi' os et klem.

Ingen forstyrrer, og ingen bryder ind
men om morgenen vi nipper deres kind
for nu tænker vi: "Mad" i vores sind.
Vi starter hver morgen på den måde
efter maden bliver vi kåde
og vil lege i havens område.

Så tak Gud fordi du har givet os
de mennesker som har gjort os til deres boss
dem som kysser og krammer os tæt
og deler deres seng når vi er træt'.

Frit oversat fra nedenstående:

Now we lay us down to sleep
the King size bede is soft and deep
we sleep right in the center groove,
our human beings can hardly move.
We've trapped their legs, they're tucked in tight
And here is where we pass the night.

No one disturbs us or dares intrude,
til morning comes and ”we want food!”
We sneak up slowly to begin
and nibble on our humans chin.
For morning's here it's time to play,
we always seem to get our way.

So thank you Lord, for giving us
these humans we see whitout discuss
those who hugs us and hold us tight
and shares their bed with us at night.

Borrowed and slightly rewritten:  from https://www.facebook.com/975WQBE

Er morgenmaden parat???
Is breakfast ready???

This Sunday we are joining Black and White Sunday Blog Hop hosted by Nola and Sugar.

35 kommentarer:

  1. You look like we feel at our house since we had to set our clocks ahead and lost an hour of sleepy time.

    1. We set our clocks ahead on March 28, then it is our turn to be tired. You will have to take naps during the day LOL.

  2. That is poem is exactly what happens at our house! How did you know?

    1. I think it happens in many houses LOL.

  3. That fits us to a tee here too. Nice one. Have a serene and easy Sunday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. Such a beautiful and TRUE poem!! Just like how it happens at our house!

  5. Awwww, that is a beautiful prayer. I love it. The photo is perfect too...just where I like to sleep too!

    1. It's the best place to be at night :)

  6. Bwahahahahahaha. This is spot on. Our Little Bit does the same thing. Bless her heart.

    I linked you to Silly Sunday.

    Have a woof woof day. My best to your peeps. :)

  7. Hi Y'all,

    BOL!!! How do I get my Humans to trade in their double bed for a king?

    Y'all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

    1. Scratch the double bed to pieces, then they'll have to buy a King :)

  8. What dogged determination!

  9. Love that poem. That is basically what happens at our house!

  10. Love it! That is so funny and true!

    1. The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth LOL:)

  11. BOL what a great prayer and so true.

    Aroo to you,

  12. Oh I love that!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  13. That's a most excellent verse. Enjoy it from your comfy beds!

    Abby the Lab

  14. Great pic, Laika and Vaks!!!
    Breakfast in bed ... :-)
    Woof, from Stina

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