Nogle gange ser Vaks fugle. Jeg er ligeglad med fuglene men det er Vaks ikke. Inden han kom til os myrdede han en undulat hos den mand han var hos dengang. Far siger også at fugle er mad og man lader ikke mad flyve rundt i stuen. Derfor synes vi at han var undskyldt. Men han er stadig helt oppe på det hvide af poterne, hvis han ser fugle ude i haven. Han ville forfærdeligt gerne fange dem, men det må han ikke for mor. Fuglene er heldigvis også lidt hurtigere end ham.
Today the weather is a little rainish like. Therefore Vaks and I love to sit in our sun room and look out into the garden. Sometimes we even see the cats and then we barks wildly.
Sometimes Vaks sees birds. I don't care about the birds but Vaks do care. Before he came to us he murdered a budgerigar who lived with the man who took care of Vaks then. Dad says that birds are food and you don't leave food flying around in the room. Therefore, we think he was excused. But he is still as high as the white of his feet if he sees birds in the garden. He would so much like to catch them, but mom told him, he mustn't. Luckily the birds are a bit faster than Vaks.
Hvad har vi her??? What do we see??? |
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Kan I se den store fede due på badestigen??? Do you see the big fat dove on the bathing ladder??? |
Kan du ikke lukke mig ud, så jeg kan fange den, mor? Can't you let me out to catch it mom? |
Hvorfor må jeg ikke komme ud? Laika gør noget.... Why can't you let me out? Laika do something... |
Kan du ikke se at jeg er optaget? Og forøvrigt gider jeg ikke fange duer!!! Can't you see I'm busy? And by the way I don't bother to catch doves !!! |
Hmm, så Vaks fik ingen fuglesteg denne gang.
Hmm, so Vaks got no bird roast this time.
WE are sorry that you did not have the chance to at least CHASE the Dove... We love doing that...
SvarSletSo do Vaks, but he also don't like to get wet LOL.
SletSorry guys we did not mean to send you all our rain
Lily & Edward
Oh it's you who send the rain BOL :)
SletI used to catch birds all the time! But now I have learned to leave the nice birdies alone. Sometimes I forget and chase the bigger doves and robins. I can chase all the squirrels and rabbits and shrews I want, though.
SvarSletChasing is so much fun :)
SletThat's great place to do surveillance of your yard. We chase all the birds out of our garden AND bark at all the cats.
SvarSletOur window has a bit too much Scottie Nose Art to see through sometimes.
LOL our windows have a lot of Laika and Vaks noses :)
SletWow! That is a really big dove. The crows used to tease the huskies at my mom's house until one day Keisha jumped up and caught one! It surprised us all, especially Keisha, but those pesky crows stayed out of our yard for many years after that. I hope the rain doesn't last too long so you can get back to fun... but NOT bird chasing fun!
SvarSletWow poor crow LOL :)
SletI agree! That is one huge bird! You'd better stay a safe distance away from it!
SvarSletDad say it's a fat dove LOL.
SletFor the love of doG someone let Vaks out so he can catch that dove!!!!
SvarSletAroo to you,
No, no mom won't allow him :)
SletAwww, I'm linking this post to Awww Mondays. So adorable. Our Little Bit likes the birds too but she's way too old to catch anything anymore.
SvarSletHave a woof woof day you two. My best to your wonderful peeps. :)
Thank you, we love Awww Mondays :)
SletDoing some good old fashion bird watching eh guys?
SvarSletღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!
Yep we have to, when we mustn't do the good old fashion bird chasing :)
SletWell, I know it's tempting, but best just to watch the birds not to catch them. Though it is kind of unfair that they get to fly around outside and you are stuck inside.
SvarSletYes it sure is :)
Sletyes we don't let our Lucy out because she would catch birds also! Cheers!
SvarSletVaks want to catch those flying birds too :)