Vi kunne mærke lørdag formiddag, at der skulle ske noget. Mor sagde med det samme "I bliver hjemme" det siger hun altid når vi ikke skal med. Så mener hun at vi ikke bliver så skuffede når de går. Det gør vi heller ikke, for ligeså snart hun siger det, lægger vi os op i sengen for at følge slagets gang. Det er når de tager deres fine tøj på.
What's wrong with these peeps? Last Saturday the whole thing was completely wrong again. Our peeps had a new birthday invitation. They are running around visiting other people and do we go too ... noooo. It's very strange because we are really well-behaved. Perhaps it is because we have all the fur on our body.
Saturday morning we felt something was going to happen. Mom immediately told us "You stay at home" She always tell us early whether we are going with them or not. She think we won't get so disappointed if we know we are going to stay at home. As soon as she tell us, we place us on the bed to watch the battle. That's when they put on their fine clothes.
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Mor og far sidder ved bordet parat til at fylde sig med dejlig frokost. Mom and dad are sitting ready to eat delecious lunch. |
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Vi sidder hjemme og glor på vores tørfoder.... igen. We are sitting at home watching our kibble ... again. |
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Jeg holder øje med om de snart kommer hjem. I keep an eye on road to see if they are comming home. |
Det kunne betale sig at holde øje med, hvornår de kom hjem.
It was worth it to keep an eye, when they came home.
We don't like it when our humans go away and leave us at home. We sit and howl. Then we take a nap. It was nice of them to bring you the left overs.
SvarSletI think we just take a nap.
SletWe dogs spend most of our lives waiting on our humans, I guess it is part of our duty as dogs, and we are always happy when they come back.
SvarSletYou're so right about that Emma.
SletWaiting waiting waiting! That's all dogs ever do for the humans! Sheesh!!
SvarSletღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!
Yes indeed Sheesh.
SletWell at least mom gave you some chicken. That was pretty nice of her.
SvarSletHave a woof woof day. ☺
Yes at the chicken meat was so delicious.
SletHope they at least brought you some cake
SvarSletLily & Edward
No cake, but the chicken was all right.
SletWe always appreciate Mom letting us know ahead of time if we are joining them. I have to get my potty break and have a fresh breath bone. ☺ If we get left home, it is imperative that she bring me home something!
SvarSletIf we are joining them we can't go potty. We are all too excited LOL.
SletNo the disappointment is bad no matter when they tell me I'm being left behind. You were lucky to have a treat when they came home though! Your pal, Toby
SvarSletYes and we enjoyed it very much.
Sletde middagsrester tilhører oss ! *logrende hale* ;)
SvarSletCrikey not again!!!! At least this time you got some chicken.
SvarSletIt's always worth it as long as they bring home that doggie bag :)
SvarSletMy two dogs do the same thing. They sit vigil until we return, hoping we will bring them home some delicious meat or salmon. Your dogs are so cute!
SvarSletLove & Biscuits,
Cathy, Isis & Phoebe
Hey Vaks
SvarSletYou've got a great lookout working there for you buddy!
I hope you're having a fun day,
Your pal Snoopy :)