English down below.
Min mor og far har været på ferie og det har jeg også. Jeg har været ude hos min #søster1 og blive passet sammen med Benn og deres egne hunde Jackie og Kalle. Min #søster2 og hendes familie var med på ferien sammen med min mor og far. De var på Lanzarote, en af de Kanariske Øer. Lanzarote er en vulkanø og bebyggelsen må ikke være højere end 1. sal. Alle husene er hvide, så der er rigtig flot og spansk, siger min mor.
Jeg ville voldsomt gerne have været med på ferien, men da de skulle flyve var det ikke muligt - siger min mor. Hun har alligevel tegnet mig ind på nogle af billederne for sådan ville det have set ud hvis jeg havde været med.
Der var 16 swimmingpools på deres hotel. Dette er den største. |
Den store swimmingpool hvor der også var en pool bar, hvis de skulle blive tørstige. Og det blev de. |
Min mor tænkte at sådan ville jeg ligge hvis jeg havde været med. Jeg tror nu nok jeg hellere ville være i vandet. |
Min far blev lidt forbrændt på næsen af al den sol. |
Så min mor syntes at hans næse lignede et jordbær ha ha. |
Feriefortællingen fortsætter næste gang.
In English:
My mom and dad have been on vacation and I have too. I've been by my #sister1 and be cared for together with Benn and their own dogs Jackie and Kalle. My #sister2 and her family were with my mom and dad on vacation. They have all been to Lanzarote, one of the Canary Islands. Lanzarote is a volcanic island and the buildings must not be higher than 1 floor. All the houses are white, so there is really nice and Spanish, my mom says.
I would have prefered to have been on vacation with mom and dad, but because they had to fly it was not possible - my mom says. She still draws me on some of the pictures so it would have looked like I had been with them.
There were 16 swimmingpools at their hotel. This one was the biggest.
By the big pool there was a pool bar, if they got thisty. And they did.
My mom thinks this is what it would look like if I have been there. I would probably rather been into the water I think.
My dad's nose got too much sun.
My mom thought his nose looked excatly like a strawberry, he he. |
This story will continue the next time.
Lucky mum and strawberry nose dad to get a holiday in the sun. Enjoy. Laika thank you for your kind comment re the mini Olympics. Have a serene Sunday and get in some big easy today.
SvarSletBest wishes Molly
Your welcome Molly. My mom enjoys your Olympic so much he he. And the strawberry was delicious.
SletLooks like they are having a good time,xx Speedy
SvarSletThey had a great time. Warm and sunny. Can't wait for the spring to come here in Denmark.
SletLooks like fun...I could eat that nose!
SvarSletIt was fun and my dad ate the strawberry afterwards he he.
SletBahahaha!!! Love the strawberry nose!! LOL!!
SvarSletWhat a beautiful place! I wish I was there right now with your mommy!! Haha
It was a wonderful place, but the internet wasn't so good.