English down below.
Her fortsætter min mors ferieberetning.
Da de boede lidt uden for byen, fik de gået rigtig meget. Og det var noget min fars jernknæ havde godt af. Ikke at min far syntes det, men han gik bedre og bedre.
På vej ind til byen, var der masser af Aloe Vera blomster. De kan jo næsten kurere alle hudproblemer.
Der var den hyggeligste strandpromenade. |
Inden man når havnen er der en dejlig strand. Jeg ville nok have mærket om vandet var koldt. Det var kun min mors og fars yngste barnebarn, Nicolaj der prøvede at soppe i vandet.
Ellers så kysten langs Strandpromenaden sådan ud.
Her er havnen, hvor der afgår færger til øen Fuerte Ventura. Der tog de dog ikke over.
Ferieberetning forsætter og afsluttes næste gang.
In English:
Here continues my mom's story of their vacation.
Because they were living just outside the city, they had to walk a lot. And this good for my dad's iron knee. Not that my dad thought so, but he did walk better and better.
On their way to town, there were a lot of Aloe Vera flowers. Those flowers can cure almost every skin-problems.
This was the nice boardwalk. |
Before reaching the habor, there were this excellent beach. I would prefer to touch the water, to feel if the water was cold. It was only my mom's and dad's youngest grandson, Nicolaj who tried to wade in the water.
This was what the coast looked like along the seefront.
Here is the habor, with ferrys to the island Fuerte Ventura. We didn't go to that island.
The story will continue and will be completed next time.

So beautiful!
SvarSletYes very beautiful and nice and warm too.
SletLooks fabulous and we love the Aloe Vera flowers. Have a marvellous Monday.
SvarSletBest wishes Molly
Yes Aloe Vera flowers are beautiful.
Sletsounds like you're all having fun,xx Speedy
SvarSletThey had a lot of fun, and I had fun with all my dogpals.
SletHej Laika!
SvarSletDet ser jättemysigt ut :-) Sol, Sol, Sol.
Härlig strand att busa på!
Visst längtar man till sommaren nu Laika?
Voff, från Stina :-)
Det var jättemysigt med masser af sol. Vi längtar också efter sommaren. Men lärkan har kommit och sjunger hemma nu, så våren kommer.
SletOh it looks so beautiful there!!! We are so jealous of your mom!!!!
SvarSletI love aloe vera!! It is a cure all, your right about that!!
((Husky hugz))
I am jealous of my mom too LOL.
SletThat is so beautiful! There are coasts like that in Florida as well. On Cocoa beach, the water can be FREEZING!
SvarSletSiamese Smothers
I didn't know that the water on Cocoa beach could be so cold.