In English down below.
Forleden dag blev jeg vækket af en frygtelig larm. Jeg fór ind i mit udkigsvindue i stuen. Det er der jeg kan holde øje med alt hvad der sker på vores lille vej. Og ser jeg.....
SKRALDEMANDEN.. Jeg må straks ud og forsvare vores ejendele. Han ser rigtig bange ud, men jeg er også stor og farlig. |
Jeg kan tydeligt se at de skynder sig fordi de er bange... for mig? |
Ha. Jeg skræmte dem væk. Jeg er stor og farlig. |
Så kan de lære det, de skraldemænd. Nu går der mindst 14 dage før de tør at komme tilbage hertil.
And in English:
I am dangerous...
The other day I was awakened by a terrible noise. I rushed into my lookout window in the living room. That's where I can keep an eye of everything that happens in our small road. And I see .....
THE GARBAGE MAN .. I rush out to defend our belongings. He looks really scared, because I'm sooo big and dangerous. |
I can clearly tell that they are in a hurry. because they're afraid of ... me? |
Ha. I scared them away. I'm a big and dangerous dog. |
I'm soo good. Now it takes at least 14 days before they dare to come back here.
Vuff....see you next time.
Love the drawings of you! What a good dog you are, scaring off the bad men who steal your stuff! It's obviously working, so keep it up!
SvarSletYep, I will definately scare them off, next time I'll see them. Woorf.
Slethehehe great job in scaring them off,xx Speedy
SvarSletYes Speedy, you'll have to learn how to bark hehe.
SletNothing like a good bark at the rubbish stealers. You sure showed them Laika. Have a tremendous Thursday.
SvarSletBest wishes Molly
Yep, I love barking of those gabage men, and of the post man too.
SletYou did a super job, they were terrified of you BOL xxoxx
SvarSletMollie and Alfie
Yes I told my mom, that I'm a dangerous dog to the garbage men and the post man as well... except the post man always give me treats, soooo I don't know, I do like the post man a little bit. BoL
SletDu är bara bäst Laika!
SvarSletDin Matte gör så fina teckningar på dig :-)
Du gör helt rätt i att skälla på killarna när alla soporna ligger i tryggt förvar i deras bil!!!
Annars blir det för många sopor kvar, Ha, Ha :-)
Hade jag bott lite närmare dig så hade det varit jätteroligt att hjälpa till å' skälla på dom :-)
Var rädd om din Brevbärare ... Han verkar snäll som ger dig godis :-)
Voff, från Stina
Tack från min Matte. Jag tar hand om min brevbärare og han godis :-)
SvarSletYou are so lucky, your gabagemen comes every week. Our municipality has determined that we only get emptied garbage every 14. day. They weigh the garbage and then we pay per. kg, once a year.