In English down below.
I dag fortalte min mor mig at lærken var kommet. Den overvintrer ikke her, så hun synes at det er så dejligt når den kommer tilbage. Den synger så smukt synes hun.
Min mor fortæller mig at lærken er kommet. |
Altså helt ærligt, hvad har det med mig at gøre?? Skal vi spise den?? |
Hvordan får vi fanget den, når den flyver oppe i luften?? |
Nårh, vi skal ikke spise den ...det er fordi det snart er forår. Så forstår jeg det bedre. |
Ja vi bliver så glade fordi det snart er forår.
In English:
The Lark.
Today, my mom told me the lark had arrived. It is not here in the winter, so she thinks it's so great when it comes back. The lark is singing so beautifully she thinks.
My mom tells me, the lark had arrived. |
Honestly, what does it have to do with me?? Are we going to eat it?? |
How in the world are we going to catch it up in the air?? |
Ohhh....we are not going to eat it. It's because the spring is right around the corner. Now I understand. |
Yes, we are happy, the spring is coming soon. |
Thanks so much for linking up to Barks and Bytes! I hope Spring is just around the corner. We are ready! Love the illustrations.
SvarSletThanks for including the English. Google will usually translate for me. Of course it is not a perfect translation, but not too bad. I am not sure everyone has access to it on their browsers. :)
Thanks for stopping by.
SletLaika we too are wishing Spring will come early this year. No larks here but the birds are out singing away and it lovely to hear them. Have a tremendous Thursday.
SvarSletBest wishes Molly
It's the best when the birds are singing.
SletI wish spring was coming here. Cute post!
SvarSletYep we want spring right away.
SletWe are certainly looking forward to spring here and we are having a brief taste of warmer weather in the 40s right now!
SvarSletYes certainly don't want any more snow. Cross our paws.
SletWe are happy that Spring is coming soon, too! We can't wait, we've had enough of snow.
SvarSletDid you draw those yourself?
Thanks so much for joining Barks and Bytes!!
Yes my mom draws it, and makes the gif animation.
SletI agree, spring is great, but where the treat?
SvarSletMy mom completely forgot it. Bad mom.
SletSpring is pretty, but it means shedding dogs. :)
SvarSletDon't tell my mom. She vacuums all the time. It may have a little to do with my fur...I think...maybe :-D
SletWe are enjoying a snowstorm today, love snow!
SvarSletI love snow too, but my mom dosn't.
SletWhat a sweet cartoon. We too would be happy to see a lark!
SvarSletTerry from
Thank you. The lark is the greatest singer - my mom think.
SletSer verkligen fram emot våren!!!
SvarSletVoff från Stina :-)
Ja våren och sommaren - hurra. Licks från Laika.
SletHi Laika!
SvarSletIt is so nice that the spring is coming soon, the sound of a Lark singing is just beautiful, do you like birds? I chase birds in my garden and bark at them when I see them out of the window, I like them but I love to chase them!
I am having lots of rain here so the spring coming is wonderful news, I enjoy walks in the sun and love to see all the baby animals like the lambs and the calf's!
I'm not so bad on my diet, but I'm glad that your Dad can sympathize with me, its nice to see other people are longing for nice food when they cant have it too!
I'm not on my heart burn tablets any more, I only had them for a week and now my food is controlling it, the food is sensitive for my stomach and eating later at night helps too!
love and licks from your furiend Frank xxxxxx
Hi Frank. I and my humans are so glad, your heart burn is better. Hope your diet will give the results you want. Chasing birds and cats and the neighbour dogs are my favorit. You can actually get a lot of exercise that way. Though my mom won't allow me. xoxo Laika.
SletAh we dont want Spring! We huskies will keep the snow!!!
SvarSlet((husky hugz))
Okay huskies, you can keep the snow BoL.
SletSpring, spring glorious spring! I hope its warmer by the time I get back from Florida!
SvarSlet--Siamese Smothers--
Florida.....lucky you :-)
SletYes Larka keep thinking spring it will soon arrive!
SvarSletCan't wait :-D
Sletyep we want spring too,so I can keep going out to play,xx SPeedy
SvarSletI wonder Speedy..Do you ever run away?